- 详细内容
- 创建于 19 四月 2009
- 最近更新于 07 七月 2013
- 作者 Administrator
- 点击数:20637
Österreich Belgique/België Czech Republic Danmark Deutschland
Eesti España Finland France United Kingdom
Ellás Hungary Lithuania Latvia The Netherlands
Poland Portugal Romania Sweden slovakia B. THIRD COUNTRIES
Australia Brasil Switzerland Chile Serbia
Israel Rep. of Korea Japan Russia Turkey
Ukrainia United States of America South Africa
Name of the laboratory Address Telephone number, fax, email, website
Osterreichische Agentur für Gesundheit und Ernährungssicherheit GmbH
Veterinärmedizinische Untersuchungen Mödling Robert-Koch-Gasse 17
A-2340 Mödling
Tel / Fax: +43.2236.46.640 909 / 640 941
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Scientific Institute of Public Health Contagious and Transmittable Diseases National Reference Laboratory of Rabies 642, rue Engeland-straat
B-1180 Bruxelles/Brussel
Tel / Fax: 56 / 32 86
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Statni veterinarni ustav Praha Sidlistni 24
CZ-165 05 Praha 6 - Lysolaje
Tel / Fax: (420) 251 031 111 /220 920 655
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Danish Institute for Food and Veterinary Research Lindholm
DK-4771 Kalvehave
Tel +45 72 34 60 00
Fax +45 72 34 79 01
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Institut für Virologie, Fachbereich Veterinärmedizin
Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen Frankfurter Strasse 107
D-35392 Giessen
Tel / Fax: +49.6419.938 363 / 938 379
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Eurovir Hygiene-Institut Im Biotechnologiepark
D-14943 Luckenwalde
Tel: +49 3371 681 269
Fax: +49 3371 681 275
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Bayerisches Landesamt für Gesundheit und Lebensmittelsicherheit
Dienststelle Oberschleissheim Veterinärstr. 2
D - 85764 Oberschleissheim
Tel: +49.89.31560 321
Fax: +49.89.31560 129
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Landesamt für Verbraucherschutz Sachsen-Anhalt
Fachbereich 4 Veterinärmedizin Haferbreiter Weg 132-135
D-39576 Stendal
Tel / Fax: +49.3931.631 141 / 631 153
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StaatlichesVeterinäruntersuchungsamt Zur Taubeneiche 10-12
D-59821 Arnsberg
Tel / Fax: +49.2931.809 270
Fax: +49.2931.809 290
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Bundesforschungsinstitut für Tiergesundheit
Institut für epidemiologische Diagnostik Seestrasse 55
D-16868 Wusterhausen
Tel / Fax: +49.3397.980 186 / 980 200
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Landesuntersuchungsanstalt für das Gesundheits- und Veterinärwesen Sachsen Zschopauer Strasse 186
D-09126 Chemnitz
Tel / Fax: +49.371.6009 0 / 109
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Vet Med Labor GmbH
Division of IDEXX Laboratories Mörikestr. 28/3
D-71636 Ludwigsburg
Tel / Fax: +49.1802.838.633 / +49.7141.6483.555
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Estonian Veterinary and Food Laboratory Kreutzwaldi 30
EE-51 006 Tartu
Tel / Fax : + 372.7.386.101/ 386.102
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Laboratorio Central de Sanidad Animal de Santa Fe Camino del Jau s/n
E-18320 Santa Fe (Granada)
Tel / Fax: (34).958.44.04 00 / 12 00
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Finnish Food Safety Authority Evira (recognition date :)
Department of Animal Diseases and Food Safety Research Mustialankatu 3, FI-00790 Helsinki, Finland (visiting address changes around 20 June 2006)
Tel. +358 20 7724576
Fax. +358 20 7724363
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Technopôle Agricole et Vétérinaire BP 40 009
54220 Malzéville Cedex
Tel / Fax: + 50 / 89 58
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Laboratoire Vétérinaire Départemental de la Haute-Garonne (recognition date :) 76 Chemin Boudou
F-31140 Launaguet
Tel / Fax: + 20 / 94 30
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Laboratoire Départemental de la Sarthe 128 rue de Beaugé
F-72018 Le Mans CEDEX 2
Tel / Fax: + 70 / 95 80
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Laboratoire Départemental d'analyses du Pas de Calais Parc de hautes technologies des Bonnettes,
2 rue genévrier
F-62022 Arras CEDEX 2
Tel / Fax: + 46 54 / 71 48 55
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United Kingdom
Veterinary Laboratory Agency
Virology Department Woodham Lane
New Haw
Surrey UK - KT15 3 NB
Tel / Fax: +44.1932.35.78 40 / 72 39
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Biobest Laboratories Ltd Charles Darwin House
The Edinburgh Technopole
Bush Estate, Penicuik
EH26 0PJ, United Kingdom
Tel. +44 (0)131 440 2628
Fax. +44 (0)131 440 9587
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Webiste: www.biobest.co.uk
Centre of Athens Veterinary Institutions
Virus Department 25 Neapoleos Str.
GR-15310 AG. Paraskevi, Athens
Tel / Fax: 03 / 25 94
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Mezogazdasagi Szakigazgatasi Hivatal Központ, Allat-egeszsegügyi Diagnosztikai Igazgatosag
Central Agricultural Office, Veterinary Diagnostic Directorate Tabornok U. 2
HU-1149 Budapest
Mailing address : 146. Pf. 2, 1581 Budapest
Tel / Fax:+ 36 1 460 6300 / 252 5177
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Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie Via Romea 14/A
I-35020 Legnaro
Tel / Fax: +39.49.8084 259 / 8830 530
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Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale Dell'Abruzzo e del Molise
G Caporale Via Campio Boario
I-64100 Teramo Tel / Fax: +39.861.3321/ 332251
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Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale del Lazio e della Toscana Via Appia Nuova 1411
I-00178 Roma /Capannelle
Tel / Fax: +39.6.79099 1 / 79340724
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National Veterinary Laboratory/Nacionaline Veterinarijos Laboratorija J. Kairiukscio 10
LT-2010 Vilnius
Tel / Fax: + 370 5 278 04 70 / 04 71
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Veterinary Medecine Diagnostic Centre
Food and Veterinary Service Lejupes Str.3,
LV-1076 Riga
Tel / Fax: 371 7 620 526 / 620 434
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The Netherlands
Central Veterinary Institute of Wageningen UR P.O. Box 65
8200 AB Lelystad
The Netherlands
Tel/Fax: +31 320 238 800/238 668
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National Veterinary Research Institute Al. Partyzantow 57
PL- 24-100 Pulawy
Tel / Fax: 00 48 81 886 30 51/ 25 95
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Laboratorio Nacional de Investigaçao Veterinaria (LNIV) Estrada de Benfica N° 701
PT-1500 Lisboa
Tel / Fax: 00 35 121 711 52 00/ 53 80
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National Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Authority, Institute for Diagnosis and Animal Health Dr Staicovici Street N° 63, sect.5
RO- 76202 Bucarest
Tel/Fax: + 11.33.94
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Statens Veterinärmedecinska Anstalt
(Department of Virology) S-75189 Uppsala
Fax: +46 18 67 4467
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National Veterinary Institute Gerbiceva 60
SLO-1000 Ljubljana Tel / Fax: +386.1.4779.100 / 352
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State Veterinary Institute Pod drahami 918
SK-960 86 Zvolen Tel: +421 855 27718
Fax: +421 855 5332 486
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Diagnosis and Epidemiology Unit PMB 24, Geelong 3220
Tel / Fax: +61.3.5227.5016 / 5555
Australian Animal Health Laboratory (AAHL) 这个 E-mail 受所垃圾邮件程序保护,您需要启用 JavaScript 才能查看。
Instituto Pasteur Avenida Paulista, 393
Tel /Fax : +3289.7738 / 0831
Cerqueira César 这个 E-mail 受所垃圾邮件程序保护,您需要启用 JavaScript 才能查看。
Sao Paulo
Laboratorio de Zoonoses e Doenças Transmitidas por Vetores Rua Santa Eulalia, 86 Santana
Tel /Fax : 55 11 6224-5546/6251-2249
Cerqueira César 这个 E-mail 受所垃圾邮件程序保护,您需要启用 JavaScript 才能查看。
Sao Paulo SP
Institut für Veterinär virologie Länggass str. 122
Tel / Fax: +41.31.631.23 78 / 25 34
CH-3012 Bern/Berne/Berna E-mail : 这个 E-mail 受所垃圾邮件程序保护,您需要启用 JavaScript 才能查看。
Instituto de Salud Publica de Chile Marathon 1000 Nunoa
Fax : +56 2 35 07 570
Laboratorio Diagnostico de Rabia Casilla Correo 48 Santiago 这个 E-mail 受所垃圾邮件程序保护,您需要启用 JavaScript 才能查看。
Pasteur Institute (recognition date :) Hajduk Veljkova 1
Tel: +381.21.420.528
CS- 21000 Novi Sad E-mail : 这个 E-mail 受所垃圾邮件程序保护,您需要启用 JavaScript 才能查看。
Rabies Laboratory Bet Dagan 50250 P.O.B 12
Fax: +972.03.9681721
Kimron Veterinary Institute 这个 E-mail 受所垃圾邮件程序保护,您需要启用 JavaScript 才能查看。
Choong Ang Vaccine Laboratory 59-3 Haam Dong, Yusung Ku,
Tel/Fax: +82-42-863-9322/8454
Dae Jeon 305-348 这个 E-mail 受所垃圾邮件程序保护,您需要启用 JavaScript 才能查看。
National veterinary research and quarantine service, NVRQS 480, Anyang 6-dong, Manan-gu, Anyang city,
Tel/Fax: + 82 31 467 1854/ 1868
Gyeonggi-do 430-824 这个 E-mail 受所垃圾邮件程序保护,您需要启用 JavaScript 才能查看。
Seoul Regional Office of the National Veterinary Research and Quarantine. Inspection Service 39-9 Neungan 2 gil,
Tel/Fax: +82 2 2650 0658/0645
Gangseo-gu - SEOUL 这个 E-mail 受所垃圾邮件程序保护,您需要启用 JavaScript 才能查看。
Animal Quarantine Service, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 11-1 Haramachi Isogoku Yokohama 235-0008
Tel/Fax: + 81 45 751 5921/ 754 1729
Division of Pathological and Physiochemical inspection 这个 E-mail 受所垃圾邮件程序保护,您需要启用 JavaScript 才能查看。
Department of Investigation and Research
Research Institute for Animal Science In Biochemistry and Toxicology 3-7-11, Hashimotodai, Sagamihara
Tel/Fax: 042 762 2775 / 762 7979
Kanagawa, 229-1132 这个 E-mail 受所垃圾邮件程序保护,您需要启用 JavaScript 才能查看。
The All Russian State Centre for Quality and Standardisation of Veterinary Drugs and Feed (VGNKI) 5 Zvenigorodskoe shosse
Tel/Fax: +7 095 253 14 91
Mockva 123022 这个 E-mail 受所垃圾邮件程序保护,您需要启用 JavaScript 才能查看。 - 这个 E-mail 受所垃圾邮件程序保护,您需要启用 JavaScript 才能查看。
NARVAC, Research and Development Company Ivanovski Virology Institute Tel/Fax: +
16 Gamalei St. 这个 E-mail 受所垃圾邮件程序保护,您需要启用 JavaScript 才能查看。
Mockva 123098
Central Veterinary Control and Research Institute 06020 Etlik,
Tel: +90.312.326.00.90 / 321.17.55
TR- Ankara 这个 E-mail 受所垃圾邮件程序保护,您需要启用 JavaScript 才能查看。 - 这个 E-mail 受所垃圾邮件程序保护,您需要启用 JavaScript 才能查看。
Central State Laboratory of Veterinary Medecine Donetskaya str., 30
Tel: +380.243.37.55
UA-03151 Kiev E-mail : 这个 E-mail 受所垃圾邮件程序保护,您需要启用 JavaScript 才能查看。
Kansas State University 1800 Denison Avenue, Mosier Hall Tel / Fax: +1.785.532.4483 / 4474
Rabies laboratory Manhattan, Kansas, USA 66503
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VETCOM 2472 Schofield Road, building 2632
Tel: Food analysis and diagnostic laboratory Fort Sam Houston 这个 E-mail 受所垃圾邮件程序保护,您需要启用 JavaScript 才能查看。
Texas 78234- 6232
ARC-Onderstepoort Veterinary Institute Private Bag X05
Tel/Fax: 012 529 9439 / 529 9390
Onderstepoort 0110 这个 E-mail 受所垃圾邮件程序保护,您需要启用 JavaScript 才能查看。
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