

新加坡的宠物权责单位是 Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority.
去新加坡,犬猫输入的一些要求(veterinary conditions for the importation of dogs/cats)同样是要打狂犬病疫苗, (这些在办理中国出境手续时就会办,请参考, 植入芯片(规格ISO 11784/11785的15码芯片), 犬猫至少12周龄以上, 另外针对16周龄以下的犬猫有些特殊规定,
A. 当决定要宠物去新加坡时, 首先要先向隔离中心Animal Quarantine Station申请订位, 隔离检疫30天, 单位是SEMBAWANG ANIMAL QUARANTINE STATION (SAQS)
电话: (65) 6482 2724
传真: (65) 6482 2726
Email: AVA_Import& 这个 E-mail 受所垃圾邮件程序保护,您需要启用 JavaScript 才能查看。
预先向隔离中心提出申请表的网址:  Application and Acceptance for Qurantine of Dogs and Cats at Sembawang Animal  Qurantine Station (SAQS)
Animal, Meat and Seafood Regulatory Branch
5 Maxwell Road,
#02-03 Tower Block MND Complex, Singapore 069110
TEL: (65) 6227 0670
FAX: (65) 6227 6305
费用: 新币
S$643.00 per pet (non aircon kennel/cattery)
S$926.50 per pet (aircon kennel/cattery)
以上费用包含隔离费, 从机场运送至隔离所, 兽医检查及狂犬病施打
星期一至星期五 下午4点至6点
星期六 下午2点至6点
1. 隔离所的预订只被保留3天(从宠物到新加坡时计算)
2. 隔离所会准备饲料给宠物食用. 如果宠物须吃特定食物, 此须由饲主或代理人自行携带至隔离所, 由隔离所人员喂食. (有任何详细喂食方式, 请告知隔离所人员)
3. 宠物的清洗并不包含在隔离程序中.
B. 申请输入许可Import Permit:
隔离的部份申请好之后, 请再向AVA申请输入许可证
网页: I'm a Foreigner Applying for new Permit to Import/Export/Transship
C. 输入方式: 只能以空运CARGO方式运送
Email: AVA_Import& 这个 E-mail 受所垃圾邮件程序保护,您需要启用 JavaScript 才能查看。
Animal, Meat & Seafood Regulatory Branch
for Director-General, Agri-Food & Veterinary Services
Hi Linda,
请看以下新加坡Import Inspector 7 月给我们的答复.
Your client should let their pet/s  travel as manifest cargo to Singapore according to IATA's regulations. However if airline allow other arrangement, please liaise with airport for clearance of animal/s accordingly. 
Sammy 在 新浪部落 于 2007/08/14 05:14 PM 回应



PetTour中国,国内第一家专业的宠物托运、宠物出国、宠物回国服务机构,我们竭诚为您您提供宠物回国服务、宠物出国办理、商业宠物进出口、国内宠物托运服务。 让您不再为您宠物要出行而烦恼! 
客户服务热线:(8610)5979 2414 
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泰国办理宠物出入境的单位是Department of Livestock Development
Phayathai Road Bangkok 10400 Thailand.
Tel. 02(66) 6534-444, Fax: 02(66)653-4925
Contact: 这个 E-mail 受所垃圾邮件程序保护,您需要启用 JavaScript 才能查看。
申请表格 (Form No 1/1)
泰国要申请输入许可证并办理隔离. 同时狗狗到了泰国后也要办理血清检测报告, 这样将来狗狗才可以回台.
1. 输入程序的部分, 请点选左方的Import Export, 详细规则如下:
Pre-Import Process-申请import permit入境许可
An importer or any person wishing to import live animals into the Kingdom of Thailand should receive an Import Permit from the Department of Livestock Develpoment (DLD) prior to an importation. The importer should contact a veterinary official at the International Animal Quarantine Station (AQS) at the port of entry , and request for information on a protocol and an animal health requirement of importation of live animals into Thailand. The importer should personally submit an application request (Form No 1/1) to import live animals into the country to an AQS veterinary offical , at least 15 days prior to an importation The application should be attached with a copy of the importer ' s identification card. He could appoint a representative to submit the application , in written paper , and attach copies of identification cards of himself and his representative. The DLD authority will necessarily examine animal disease status of the country of origin before an issuance of Import Permit which will include an appropriate animal health requirement. The animal health requirements for importation of live animals into Thailand shall be periodically revised to cope with the present situation and/or the current animal disease status. The importer should send the Import Permit to a duly veterinary authority of the country of origin in order to prepare , inspect , test , and certify those imported animals in compliance with the animal health requirement set by DLD. The importer should confirm an exact date of arrival of the imported animals to an AQS veterinary official at the port of entry to prepare all facilities concerned , at least 3 days in advance.
Process at the time of Import
The AQS veterinary official is authorized to issue a preliminary import licence (Form No 6) shortly at the time of importation for customs formalities. An official health certificate , in English , issued by a duly veterinary authority of the country of origin , for those imported animals should also be presented to an AQS veterinary official to check before general inspection of the imported animals on arrival. In case that imported animals for breeding purpose , pedigree certificatee or other evidence should be presented to a veterinarjy official of the AQS to check for import fee exemption The importer should attach a copy of an Invoice which indicates the price of imported animals or Price List , Packing List , Air Waybill / Bill of Lading and etc. to the application. The importer must pay an import fee as prescribed by the Ministerial Regulation , which was issued in accordance with the Animal Epidemics Act B.E. 2499 (1956)
Post-Import Process
The animals are moved to animal quarantine facilities after general examination on arrival . During quarantine period, samples from all imported animals shall be collected for countercheck or tested for certain diseases as prescribed In case that the imported animals are sick or dead while travelling or quarantine , all concerned should be informed as immediately as possible . The AQS veterinary official shall take an emergency measure to investigate and/or to control should there be any disease outbreak . The ultimate import licence (Form No 7 ) will be issued when all imported animals have passed the prescribed tests , to release the animals to their final destination , at the completion of post-import quarantine in Thailand .

2. 检疫要求的部分, 请点选左方的Requirements for the importation into Kingdom of Thailand. 然后再点选Dogs and Cats. 此规定如下:

1) A health certificate in English, signed or further endorsed by a full-time authorized veterinary official of the government of the exporting country, if it is previously acknowledged by a veterinary surgeon, stating:-

1.1) number and species ,
1.2) breed, sex, age and color or animal identification,
1.3) name and address of the owner OR the kennel of origin,
1.4) certification of condition items (2) to (5).

2) The animals must come from an area where animal diseases are under control. They are found to be healthy, free from signs of any infectious and contagious diseases including ectoparasitism at the time of export and fit to travel.

3) The country has been free from Rabies for at least the past 12 (twelve) months OR the animals are vaccinated against Rabies with an official approved vaccine not less than 21 (twenty- one) days prior to the departure.

4) EITHER a) The dog is vaccinated against Leptospirosis at least 21(twenty-one) days preceding departure. (这个疫苗就包含在八合一疫苗里面)
OR b) The dog is subjected to a test for Leptospirosis with negative result during the 30 (thirty) days prior to the departure.

5) The animals shall be vaccinated against other significant infectious or contagious diseases i.e. Distemper, Hepatitis, and Parvovirus, with an official approved vaccine at least 21 (twenty-one) days prior to the departure. (这几个疫苗也包含在八合一疫苗里面)

6) The animals must be conveyed in nose-and-paw proof crates designed to avoid any risk of injury or unnecessary suffering.

7) The animals are not allowed to expose to other animals if they have to be landed in transit at any approved intermediate port. They shall not be allowed to leave precinct of the port except to an officially approved transit quarantine area.

8) The animals are subjected to quarantine at approved premises for a period of at least 30 (thirty) days upon arrival during which they shall be submitted to tests and/or treatments deemed necessary. The importer/owner shall be fully charged for the incurred expenses.

9) Failure to follow the import procedures may result in returning the animals to the country of origin or destroying without compensation.


PetTour中国,国内第一家专业的宠物托运、宠物出国、宠物回国服务机构,我们竭诚为您您提供宠物回国免隔离服务、宠物出国办理、商业宠物进出口、国内宠物托运服务。 让您不再为您宠物要隔离而痛苦! 
客户服务热线:(8610)5979 2414 
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杜拜Dubei在阿拉伯联合大公国United Arab Emirates, 负责办理宠物出入境的单位是Ministry of Environment & Water, Telephone: 2958161 - 04 - 00971, Fax: 2957766 - 04 - 00971, P.O. Box: 1509, Email: 这个 E-mail 受所垃圾邮件程序保护,您需要启用 JavaScript 才能查看。
宠物入境许可import permit申请文件可采网络在线申请-->Import Application Form (Pet Animals - Ornamental Fishes & Animals), 左手边可直接注册sign up新账号, 然后进入login, 出现的就是Application Form (Pet Animals). 按照字段要求填写相关信息, 还可查询申请进度等等.

宠物到杜拜, 对于国人而言是很少的,但是对于外派的老外来说, 他们的宠物却必须和他们的主人搬来搬去. 以下是最近完成的狗狗到Dubai的心得.
杜拜, 大家的印象是天气很热, 所以客户告诉我通常溜狗的时间都在清晨或是傍晚, 再者平常都让宠物待在有冷气的屋内, 只有周末假日带着狗狗去游泳消暑, 都是狗狗最开心的娱乐. 记得一件事, 就是永远放着新鲜的水给狗狗喝, 所以客户就在中国买了鱼缸用的换水马达放在喝水的盆子内.

带狗狗入境杜拜, 所要准备的文件有:
1. 护照复印件
2. 杜拜的输入许可证
3. 狂犬病免疫证书含芯片号码
4. 血清报告 (由于中国没被列在第一组国家, 所以需要血清检验), 标准值不少于0.5IU

Say bye to your pet worries  By Daniel Bardsley, Staff Reporter
Published: 06/01/2007 12:00 AM (UAE)
There is nothing better than relaxing after a hard day's work with a purring cat or a contented dog for company.

However, there are several hurdles owners have to overcome if they want to bring a pet into or take a pet out of the UAE. Pets brought into the UAE must be imported as cargo and not as baggage accompanying a passenger.

To bring a pet in, you must obtain an import permit. Requirements for this include a document from your veterinary surgeon (signed and stamped) showing the animal was vaccinated against rabies between one year and 30 days previously.

You must have a good health certificate from the government of the country where the animal is coming from. In addition, the animal must be microchipped.


People with pets already in the UAE must ensure they get them vaccinated against rabies once a year. In Dubai this means they will get a red identification disc from Dubai Municipality.

Vaccination can be carried out by Dubai Municipality for Dh50 or at private veterinary clinics for a higher charge.

Ensure your pet wears the disc on its collar at all times, otherwise it could be picked up as a stray by the authorities.

No similar system exists in the other emirates, but Dr Martin Wyness from the British Veterinary Centre in Abu Dhabi said owners should consider getting their animals microchipped.

In addition to rabies, dog owners are recommended to vaccinate their pets against distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis and parvovirus.

Important additional vaccinations for cats include two types of cat flu as well as panleukopenia.

For an export permit, at least five days before export, the pet must be examined by a government vet at the cargo village of Dubai, Abu Dhabi or Sharjah International Airports.

Bring along a signed and stamped document from your vet showing the animal, which must be microchipped, was vaccinated against rabies between one year and 30 days previously. The fee is Dh100, payable by e-card.

Several kennels and catteries will deal with all of the paperwork, both for import and export.

Animals brought into the UAE without the proper documents will be held until those documents are obtained. The importation of some dangerous breeds of dog, such as Pit Bulls and Neapolitan Mastiffs, and cross breeds of them, is banned. Travel boxes must meet International Air Transport Authority guidelines.

Permits are valid for a month

To either bring in or take out a pet from the UAE, you will have to process the papers at the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. Do not forget to take your passport copy and your residence permit copy also. The Ministry is open between 7.30am and 2.30pm from Sunday to Thursday.

The import permit will cost Dh200 and is valid for one month. It is payable by e-card.

This permit should be submitted at the Cargo Village at Dubai, Abu Dhabi or Sharjah international airports prior to the animal's arrival.

When collecting the animal, take along the original vaccination document and the official certificate issued by the government of the country of origin. There is a Dh90 customs charge.

A re-import certificate should be collected if the animal is coming back to the UAE. Before the pet is brought back, a health certificate, which is valid for 10 days, should be obtained from an official vet. For more information see the website of the American Veterinary Clinic in Abu Dhabi at www.avcclinic.com/Pet%20Travel/exportfromuae.htm

The requirements for exporting a pet from the UAE vary depending which country you are sending the animal to. The British Veterinary Centre in Abu Dhabi publishes a country-by-country list at www.britvet.com/info.htm. Click on the "Pet Travel - Country Specifics" link.


PetTour中国,国内第一家专业的宠物托运、宠物出国、宠物回国服务机构,我们竭诚为您您提供宠物回国免隔离服务、宠物出国办理、商业宠物进出口、国内宠物托运服务。 让您不再为您宠物要隔离而痛苦! 
客户服务热线:(8610)5979 2414 
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如何带宠物去西班牙?没错,下面这篇文章将告诉您如果带宠物出国去西班牙。除了是输出到那六国非疫区国家(英国、瑞典、冰岛、纽西兰、日本 及犬自澳大利亚),其实要准备的文件都差不多。
1. 打芯片
2. 出发日前一个月注射狂犬病疫苗

3. 出发日前7~10天去注射疫苗的医院(出入境检验检疫局指定医院)请领健康证明,和西/英格式的进口文件同意申请书
4. 出发日前7天去当地出入境检验检疫局办理检疫证明
注1: 我的这个格式是我朋友从西班牙的官法网站找给我的,我另外在这个网址有找到:




PetTour中国,国内第一家专业的宠物托运、宠物出国、宠物回国服务机构,我们竭诚为您您提供宠物回国免隔离服务、宠物出国办理、商业宠物进出口、国内宠物托运服务。 让您不再为您宠物要隔离而痛苦! 
客户服务热线:(8610)5979 2414 
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The Directorate of Veterinary Services of the Department of Agriculture


Permit Office

Head of Permit Office: Mrs Ina Labuschagne  这个 E-mail 受所垃圾邮件程序保护,您需要启用 JavaScript 才能查看。

Tel: 012 319 7514

Other Tel: 012 319 7632 / -7503 / -7414                                     

International: +27 12 319 7514 / -7632 / -7503 / -7414             

Fax: 012 329 8292 / 012 319 7491 (permit applications only)  
中国没列入在南非免隔离检疫名单之内, 所以中国去的犬猫要隔离检疫30天.
1. 入境许可文件申请书Application for the import of Animals & Animals products subjected to quarantine (pdf檔)
--  申请入境许可, 请看 Information on importing animals and animal products into the Republic of South Africa
里面有申请书的寄送地址, 申请费用R110汇款银行信息, 作业时间约2-3工作天,  请详细填写申请表内的资料以便检疫人员安排隔离检疫房舍, 并请附上切结书作为申请书的附件, 如需亲自前往索取入境许可核准文件import permit之前请先与对方电话确认. 南非方面收到填写完整的入境许可文件申请书后, 会发出Veterinary Import Permit与Veterinary Health Certificate各乙份并邮寄给您. 
This needs to be completed, in English, by a veterinarian authorised thereto by the Veterinary Administration of the exporting country, within 10 days of departure.
所以, 请特别注意,  要配合南非规定要在出境日10天前办完南非的import permit. 相关细节配合可直接洽您当地的出入境检验检疫局或大使馆

在南非入境时, 以下文件务必准备好:
-Original Veterinary Import Permit
-Original Veterinary Health Certificate
-Any other documentation specified, e.g.: Indemnity Declaration, Rabies Vaccination Certificate, etc


PetTour中国,国内第一家专业的宠物托运、宠物出国、宠物回国服务机构,我们竭诚为您您提供宠物回国免隔离服务、宠物出国办理、商业宠物进出口、国内宠物托运服务。 让您不再为您宠物要隔离而痛苦! 
客户服务热线:(8610)5979 2414 
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