


从2006年5月23日起,新西兰宠物输出入是由MAF Biosecurity New Zealand办理
MAF Biosecurity New Zealand
PO Box 2526
Phone: +64 4 894 0459  Fax: +64 4 894 0662
Email: 这个 E-mail 受所垃圾邮件程序保护,您需要启用 JavaScript 才能查看。
Issued pursuant to Section 22 of the Biosecurity Act 1993
Date: 7 February 2007
目前不用再做狂犬病血清检测, 只需将宠物带到动物医院做抽血检测心丝虫, 布式杆菌, 钩端螺旋体, 艾利希体, 焦虫, 粪便检测体内寄生虫如线虫, 绦虫, 吸虫, 以及用滴剂驱除跳蚤壁虱等体外寄生虫, 然后申请输入许可import permit, 预定隔离检疫字段, 填写的表格要填仔细, 到新西兰隔离检疫时间为至少30天. 相关规定翻译如下, 原文请看此连结或者PDF檔
5 输入许可
5.1 Import permit 申请单位: Animal Imports, Pre Clearance Directorate, Biosecurity New Zealand, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF), P O Box 2526 Wellington; Email: 这个 E-mail 受所垃圾邮件程序保护,您需要启用 JavaScript 才能查看。
5.2.2宠物品重, 性别, 芯片号码
5.2.3要提供新西兰农林部核准之动物隔离检疫机构(Transitional Facilities)资料,此机构须为新西兰农林部(MAF)核准。
American Pit Bull Terrier;
Dogo Argentino;
Tese Tosa; and
Brazilian Fila
6.5.1 此动物自离开新西兰后持续居住在出口国或该区域内。
6.5.2 自新西兰离开时已有芯片可供辨识者。
6.6 符合上述条件时,Permits to import issued under the above conditions will require a letter of equivalence to be issued exempting the animal from the residency requirements prior to departure from New Zealand.
7 健康证明
7.1 所需的健康检测与治疗都写在兽医证明A文件内。
7.3 对于犬只来自犬心丝虫区域的饲主的建议:
7.3.1 犬只入境后7个月时找兽医师进行心丝虫幼虫血液浓缩测试(microfilariae concentration test),以及抗原检测(antigen test)。
7.3.2 新西兰籍饲主携带犬只前往有心丝虫的地区时,请确定定期给予有avermectin成分的心丝虫预防药。
8 运送
8.1 空运宠物之运输笼需符合国际空运协会(IATA)的标准。
8.2 运输笼不会让动物的鼻子或脚伸出笼外,而有通空孔。
8.3 运输笼要新,或者干净,没有泥污或壁虱。
8.4 海运(不含私人游艇运送)时,船长要确认输入动物在停泊港皆没有与其它动物接触,海运路线及运送办法必须事先经过新西兰农林部生物安全标准小组(Biosecurity Standards Group Manager, NZMAF)同意。
8.5 没有澳洲或新西兰许可,任何动物不得由空运或海运入境。
8.6 运输笼内不得放干草给动物。Only sterilised peat, soft board or other inert approved products may be used.
8.7 在空运或海运出境时,运输笼的笼门必须由出口国政府封笺,封笺的数字与标示记录于兽医证明B文件内。封笺位置需在打开笼门就会破坏封笺的位置。若运输笼在运送途中被打开,需由官方兽医师、或港口官方单位或船长机长再次封笺并提供一个证明说明当时状况,并将注意事项附在运输笼外。
8.8 运输笼只能在非狂犬病疫区做空运或海运转运。
Antigua and Barbuda, Austria, Bahamas, Belgium, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Brunei, Canada, Cayman Islands, Chile, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Falkland Islands, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Greenland, Guam, Hong Kong, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Kuwait, Luxembourg, Macau, Malta, Mauritius, The Netherlands, Netherland Antilles and Aruba, Portugal, Republic of Croatia, Reunion, Sabah, Sarawak, Seychelles, South Korea, Spain, St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia, St Vincent Grenadin, Switzerland, Trinidad and Tobago, Taiwan, United Arab Emirates, United States of America, Uruguay, US Virgin Islands, Wallis and Futuna, Yugoslavia.

American Samoa, Christmas Island, Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, French Polynesia, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Pitcairn Island, Spain, Solomon Islands, Kingdom of Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Wallis and Futuna, Western Samoa.

Australia, Japan, New Caledonia, Hawaii, Singapore, Sweden, Norway, United Kingdom, Eire (Republic of Ireland) & Fiji.

8.9 在出发前至少72小时必须将宠物预定到达时间与航班信息通知新西兰农林部负责抵达城市的隔离检疫单位。
9 随行所需文件
9.1符合「D部分: 动物健康证明」所列的完整健康证明文件要随行携带
9.2 「D部分: 动物健康证明」所列的实验室检测结果报告要随行携带
C部分 清关程序
10.1 入境抵达时,新西兰检查人员会进行生物安全检查并核准入境犬猫前往输入许可文件上所载之隔离检疫机构,若有任何问题,检察官会当场告知。
10.2 当动物入境抵达新西兰时,农林部隔离检疫中心会通知隔离检疫机构检察官。
11 新西兰隔离检疫
11.1 动物会在隔离检疫机构停留至少30天。
11.2 倘若运输笼封笺被打开,或封笺破损,或随行文件不完备,生物安全标准小组可决议该动物将被运出,或者被销毁,或者隔离检疫180天,相关费用由输入者支付。
11.3 隔离检疫期间,每只入境犬只将进行「心丝虫检测」测心丝虫幼虫,「钩端螺旋体检测」,「布式杆菌检测」,「焦虫检测」以及「犬艾力希体检测」,若犬只发现有感染,将会给予治疗然后再行检测,若犬只仍旧是感染,将再给予治疗,或是要求出境,或是销毁,或是留置于隔离检疫机构。
11.5 所有犬猫进入隔离检疫中心后要接受防止以下疾病的预防注射
11.5.1 猫:猫白血病,猫鼻气管炎,猫卡里西(也就是猫的三合一疫苗)
11.5.2 犬:犬瘟热,犬传染性肝炎,犬病毒性肠炎,犬副流行性感冒病毒,犬舍咳。
11.6 任何动物隔离检疫期间,生物安全标准小组将有权检查。
12.1 当犬猫都符合输入动物健康标准,经过至少30天隔离检疫后,隔离检疫机构会给予生物安全通关许可。
D部分 动物健康证明
13 动物健康证明
13.1 以下是给台湾进入新西兰之犬猫使用,包含新西兰农林部所需3份资料(Model Zoosanitary Certificat - 内含Owner/exporter's statutory declaration与Registered Veterinarian declaration; VETERINARY CERTIFICATE A; VETERINARY CERTIFICATE B):
这些表格建议到PDF檔下载正式表格印出, Model Zoosanitary Certificat在第9-10页, VETERINARY CERTIFICATE A在第11-14页, VETERINARY CERTIFICATE B在第15页.
Permit to Import Number: .
Exporting Country: TAIWAN
Competent Authority:
Microchip identification number:
Anatomical site of microchip: (芯片位置)
Physical description of the animal:
Date of Birth:
Total number of animals:
Name(s) and address(es) of exporter(s):
Place(s) of origin of animals:
Port of embarkation:
Name and address of consignee:
Means of transport:
Port of arrival:
Owner/exporter's statutory declaration:
I, do solemnly and sincerely declare, in respect of the dog for export to New Zealand identified below, that:

Name of animal: Breed:
Age:    Sex:

To the best of my knowledge and belief the dog is not one of the following breeds or types: American Pit Bull Terrier, Japanese Tosa, Brazilian Fila, Dogo Argentino (including a cross of one or more of these breeds or types).

Signature of owner or exporter:

Declared at , this day of 20

before me

(signature and printed name person authorised to take a statutory declaration)
Registered Veterinarian declaration:

I, being a registered veterinarian, certify, in respect of the animal described above, that:

After due enquiry and/or physical examination of the animal for export, I have no reason to doubt the owner/exporter’s statutory declaration.

Signature of Registered Veterinarian:

以下这份文件是要对犬只抽血检测心丝虫, 布式杆菌, 钩端螺旋体, 艾利希体, 焦虫, 粪便检测体内寄生虫如线虫, 绦虫, 吸虫, 以及用滴剂驱除跳蚤壁虱等体外寄生虫. 请印出来直接交给看得懂的动物医院兽医师填写.

I ............................................................., an Official Veterinarian or a veterinarian accredited to provide export certification on behalf of the Taiwanese Government Veterinary Authority (hereafter called the Accredited Veterinarian), certify with respect to the animals identified in the attached Zoosanitary Certificate:
1 After due enquiry, I am satisfied that the animal has been continuously resident in Taiwan for the 6 months prior to export and has not been in quarantine or under quarantine restrictions during the preceding 60 days.

2 After due enquiry and physical examination, I am satisfied that the animal will not be more than 42 days pregnant at the scheduled time of shipment.

3 After due enquiry and physical examination, I am satisfied that the animal will be more than 16 weeks old at the scheduled time of shipment.

4 The animal was identified with an implanted transponder/microchip.

Microchip number:

Anatomical site implanted

5 In the case of a dog, blood from the dog for export has been tested and the dog has been treated for canine heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis) according to the following schedule:

5.1 if older than six months of age on the scheduled date of export, within 30 days of departure one to two mL of blood were collected from the dog and subject to both of the following tests with negative results:

5.1.1 a microfilariae concentration test;

Date blood collected for test:

5.1.2 an antigen test (Witness HW, Agen; Snap Heartworm PF, Idexx; PetChek Heartworm PF, Idexx).

Date blood collected for test:

(N.B.: The antigen test must be conducted at a government approved laboratory and the microfilariae concentration test may be performed by a veterinary practitioner.)

5.2 within 4 days of the scheduled date of departure the dog has been treated with the either of the following drugs at the respective dose rate:

EITHER 5.2.1 ivermectin at 6 μg/kg
OR 5.2.2 milbemycin at 0.5 mg/kg
OR 5.2.3 moxidectin at 2 - 4 μg/kg
OR 5.2.4 sustained release formulation moxidectin (ProHeart SR-12 Injection) at the approved dose rate.

Date of treatment:

6 In the case of a dog, within 30 days prior to the scheduled date of shipment, blood from the dog for export has been tested with negative results and/or the dog has been treated for the following diseases:

6.1 For Brucella canis, the tube agglutination test

Date blood collected for test:

6.2 For Leptospira canicola the agglutination-lysis test:

EITHER 6.2.1 negative results (negative is less than 50% agglutination at 1:100);

Date blood collected for test:

OR 6.2.2 a positive titre of not more than 1:400, a second sample collected at an interval of not less than 14 days must show no increase in the titre above that of the first test;

Date blood collected for test 1:

Date blood collected for test 2:

OR 6.2.3 a positive titre of more than 1:400, and the dog has been treated with doxycycline at a therapeutic dose rate for 14 consecutive days, or streptomycin at a therapeutic dose rate for 5 days, during the 30 days prior to the scheduled shipment.

Medication and dose rate:

Dates of treatment:

(Delete whichever of 6.2.1, 6.2.2 or 6.2.3 is not applicable)

6.3 For Ehrlichia canis, the indirect fluorescent antibody test;
EITHER 6.3.1 negative results;

Date blood collected for test:

OR 6.3.2 positive results and the dog has been treated with doxycycline or tetracycline at a dose rate of 10 mg/kg body weight on 14 consecutive days during the 30 days prior to the scheduled shipment.

Date of test:

Dates of treatment:

(Delete whichever of 7.3.1 or 7.3.2 is not applicable)

7 In the case of a dog, within 10 days of the scheduled date of shipment a blood sample and a thin blood smear made from a drop of blood obtained from an ear margin are collected, at the same time, and both of the following tests performed for Babesia gibsoni with negative results:

7.1 The indirect fluorescent antibody test using antigens appropriate for the strain likely to be present in all the countries where the dog has been resident, with a negative result (cutoff is 1:40).

7.2 Examination of blood smear with negative result for Babesia gibsoni.

Date blood collected for tests:

8 In the case of a dog or cat:

8.1 Within 30 days of the scheduled date of shipment, the animal was subject to two faecal examinations, at least 14 days apart, using a sensitive flotation procedure (able to detect 50 eggs per gram) which was negative for hookworm eggs;

Date of faecal collection for first test;

Date of faecal collection for second test:

8.2 Within 21days AND within 4 days of the scheduled date of shipment the animal was treated with a broad spectrum anthelmintic(s) effective against nematodes, cestodes and trematodes, at the manufacturers recommended dose rate(s);

Date of first treatment:

Active ingredient(s) and dosage used:

Date of second treatment:

Active ingredient(s) and dosage used:

8.3 Within 4 days of the scheduled date of shipment, the animal was treated with an ectoparasiticide dip, spray, or topical preparation capable of killing ticks, lice and fleas;

Date of treatment:

Active ingredient:

9 Within 4 days of the scheduled date of shipment, I examined the animal/s for export to New Zealand and found it/them to be free from clinical signs of infectious or contagious diseases and free from external parasites.

10 All serological tests were conducted at a Government laboratory or a laboratory approved by the Government Veterinary Service of this country.

i) Accredited Veterinarian or Date of Signature

ii) Official Veterinarian

(Delete whichever of i) or ii) is not applicable*)

Name and address of office: ......................

* In the case of i) being applicable:

I, an Official Veterinarian certify that ............................................................. is accredited for the purpose of providing veterinary export certification for dogs and cats.

Official Veterinarian Official stamp and date

Name and address of office:

I ...........................................................a Taiwanese Official Veterinarian at the port of export certify in regards to the animal identified in the attached Zoosanitary Certificate certify that:

1 Taiwan is free of rabies, and no case of rabies has been detected within the 12 months prior to the date of export of the dog and cat.

2 If the animal was held in an official quarantine premises at any time in the past 8 months, rabies has not been diagnosed in that premises during or since the presence of the animal in the quarantine premises.

3 I have confirmed the identity of the animal by reading the implanted


Microchip number:

Anatomical site implanted:

4 The animals were inspected and found to be healthy and fit to travel, and free from the clinical signs of infectious or contagious disease.

5 All the required documents were examined and found to be correctly completed in accordance with New Zealand import health standard requirements.

6 The animal was placed in a container that meets IATA standards. The container was new or thoroughly cleaned prior to use. It is free of dirt and ticks and was fastened with an official seal bearing the number or mark:

Official Veterinarian Official stamp and date

Name and address of office:
宝志国际热心网友samuel协助响应网友omnicheny的讯息时, 提供他们帮饲主办理入境新西兰时的经验如下, 所以各位务必要将表格填妥, 以免常遭退件.
To omnicheny,
狗狗去新西兰比猫咪会多些检测,但是基本的狂犬病血清报告是不需要的(这点已经由MAF的官员确认,所以NZ许可证申请书上的血清部分可以空白不填)。但是以下在Import health standard中,从第11页第5项开始,第6,第7及第8项都必须由兽医师按照MAF要求的日期做投药与驱虫。另外,第5,6,7项要求的血清smear检测可以在台大动物医院完成并取得化验单(化验单上要有钢印)。
另外,在第10页,提到SANITARY INFORMATION,这里说明的是"Owner/exporter的declaration,字意上是由"主人或出口人"填写,"可是我们碰的经验是这部分必需由"有法律依据的人填写,如律师,法官,所以当MAF把文件退回给我们时,我们才请台湾的检疫官填写并盖章。当时检疫官也认为很诡异"?,之后我们再回传给MAF时,狗狗很快就被客户领回家了。"
上个星期,我们送两只猫到Auckland,当我们把SANITARY INFORMATION空白准备留给检疫官填写时,这一位检疫官就不愿写,甚至在他请示长官后也不能填写背书,因为上面的字意明明就是"Owner/Exporter",因此最后还是由我们填入主人的名字及猫咪的数据,但是会不会被MAF退回,还不清楚。台湾的检疫官有说,如果MAF又把此部分退回时,台湾官方会出面去函MAF要求他们把以上Owner/exporter的字意做修改。
第三,在这一次申请猫咪的许可证时,MAF的人员在email也有提到他们自己内部对于很多台湾的细节规定也不是很清楚而且其它同事的说法也不一样,每当我们或客户写email问他们相关事宜时,他们的回复总是"请你参考附件的Import Health Standard fo Dogs and Cats from Taiwan",也因此客户对此有许多微词。所以omnicheny y在办理时要额外注意。


PetTour中国,国内第一家专业的宠物托运、宠物出国、宠物回国服务机构,我们竭诚为您您提供宠物回国服务、宠物出国办理、商业宠物进出口、国内宠物托运服务。 让您不再为您宠物要出行而烦恼! 
客户服务热线:(8610)5979 2414 
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马来西亚宠物出入境2006年11月1日起由Jabatan Perkhidmatan Haiwan (Department of Veterinary Services)主办
地址: Department Of Veterinary Services,
Wisma Tani,5th Floor, Podium 1A Lot 4G1, Precinct 4, 62630 Putrajaya, Malaysia
Tel:+603-88702031, +603-88702036 Fax: +603-88886472
Email: 这个 E-mail 受所垃圾邮件程序保护,您需要启用 JavaScript 才能查看。
* 最小年龄限制为何? 答:犬猫输入时都要3个月龄以上.
* 我能带多少只宠物进入? 答:不限,但是马国当地政府可能会因住所环境限制拟饲养的狗.
* 是否需要植入芯片? 答:不需要,除非是有条件式输入的那些品种的狗,但建议最好有芯片植入.
* 是否需要事先申请输入许可(import permit)? 答:是的,请事先向Jabatan Perkhidmatan Haiwan (Department of Veterinary Services)提出申请,申请表APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO IMPORT/EXPORT* LIVE ANIMALS与申请表word檔.
* 如何取得输入许可import permit? 答:您填妥申请表后,附上兽医纪录(可使用输出犬猫免疫注射证明书Vaccination Certificate,请参考宠物出国轻松带之2-宠物出国5步骤),及付清申请费每只马来西亚币Ringgit(RM 5.00).
* 需要多久时间取得输入许可import permit? 答:1天
* 输入许可import permit的有效期? 答:1个月
* 宠物进入马来西亚时,还需要宠物输出国政府开立的健康证明(可使用输出动物检疫证明书Veterinary Certificate,请参考宠物出国轻松带之2-宠物出国5步骤)
*宠物进入马来西亚到底会进入什么程序? 答:宠物仅能以货运方式输入,之后向动物检疫官员申报,然后办理清关,最好能够事先知会进入点当地的动物检疫站人员关于宠物搭乘的班机,预定到达时间等,以便及早办理清关动作,各地的检疫站请看此
每只狗每天: RM 3(小型); RM 4(大型)
每只猫每天: RM 3
检疫证书Quarantine Certificate每只: RM 2

PetTour中国,国内第一家专业的宠物托运、宠物出国、宠物回国服务机构,我们竭诚为您您提供宠物回国服务、宠物出国办理、商业宠物进出口、国内宠物托运服务。 让您不再为您宠物要出行而烦恼! 
客户服务热线:(8610)5979 2414 
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越南方面关于动物检疫的部分是由The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development下面的Department of Animal Health负责, 地址:
No. 15, 78 Lane, Giai Phong Road
Phuong Mai, Dong Da district,
Viet Nam 
Tel: 84.4.8696788/8695527  Fax: 84.4.8691311/8685961/8686339
Email: 这个 E-mail 受所垃圾邮件程序保护,您需要启用 JavaScript 才能查看。
网站中都是越文,实在无法了解,请自行阅读,另可用网站上的contact us询问.
另越南航空有搭载宠物的服务,可把宠物当成随身行李,但是不能进客舱的服务. 也可提供办理宠物出入境相关手续的信息
网友Sam提供给NI NI的经验如下
Hi Ni Ni,
  Sorry I have to type this in English. I just arrived in VIetnam a week ago and there's something wrong with my computer, so I can only see Chinese but not type it.
  Our dog came to VIetnam 6 months ago; in my online research I learned that we should go to this "Animal Quaratine" place in Hanoi, but we never found it. What we did was, my husband just took him to VIetnam with him with the papers issued by the Thai government. (But they were only for "getting out of Thailand", not "entering VIetnam", of course.) According to my husband, he got through the customs without any problems; no one ever soppted him and asked any quetions. Although we strongly suspect this is because he's WHITE, from our research we learned that the rules regarding bringing your pets to Vietnam are "for reference only". It might be quite random.
  In other words, you may be able to bring your pet even without any papers like us, but you may be stopped at the customs and there could be problems. I would not suggest you do the same thing, as it would be completely irresponsible of me to do so, but we took the chance because we were told that many people did the same thing and there was no problem for them.
  Please feel free to ask any questions. I'll be very happy to help.... And I'll try to get my computer fixed as soon as possible!


PetTour中国,国内第一家专业的宠物托运、宠物出国、宠物回国服务机构,我们竭诚为您您提供宠物回国服务、宠物出国办理、商业宠物进出口、国内宠物托运服务。 让您不再为您宠物要出行而烦恼! 
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1) 带你的宠物去大陆当地指定的兽医院注射疫苗, 并开立健康证明书. 记得要问清楚是哪一间兽医院喔! 不是每一家都可以, 像上海就只有一家才可以开立国家认可的健康证明书. 时间也请注意,要在离境前7天内开的才可以. (当然,机票要先买)
2) 打电话至澳门当地的宠物店, 请他们帮我做申请宠物入境许可书的动作. 我传真给他我家狗狗的一些数据(像体重, 性别, 身高等等), 然后他帮我申请. 费用是1000澳门币, 包含了要付给澳门政府的钱,和宠物店代办的费用.这笔钱是我男朋友在把狗带到澳门时当面交给他的. (我必须先回台湾,我家狗狗是我男友亲自带去澳门的. 不过所有手续都是我在处理的!)澳门的入境许可证有效期限是一个月.
3)我男友是搭澳门航空到澳门的. 在买机票时, 你当然要先提起你的宝贝宠物, 然后他们会要求你把申请好的入境许可证传真给他们. 那个宠物店老板有把许可证email给我, 但是我要求他直接帮我把许可证从他那里传给澳门航空. (我给他上海澳门航空的传真电话)
4)接着,我打电话询问上海的澳门航空, 问他们是否一切ok. 他们把我的许可证传真给澳门的澳门航空部门, 然后确认一切ok, 我的小狗可以准备上飞机啰!
5)到澳门之后, 会有澳门的检疫官员和宠物店老板在在机场等你. 你就可以把宝贝宠物交给检疫官员了. 他们会把动物直接带到检疫所去进行为期至少一个月的隔离. 这时,你当然要记得准备澳门币1000元, 交给宠物店老板. 至于隔离的费用, 每天大约是100-130元, 你不必先给, 可以选择在隔离期满,领取宠物的时候再给. 这时你要签一份切结书,保证会对你的宠物负责.如果你在隔离期满不缴钱的话, 动物就"任由他们处置"了. (这也是澳门比香港好的地方!你不必先给钱!)
--限于时间的关系,请容我过两天再po上后续动作, 以及相关的联络信息, 像是宠物店, 以及澳门相关官员的联系方式等等--


PetTour中国,国内第一家专业的宠物托运、宠物出国、宠物回国服务机构,我们竭诚为您您提供宠物回国服务、宠物出国办理、商业宠物进出口、国内宠物托运服务。 让您不再为您宠物要出行而烦恼! 
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韩国办理宠物出入境检疫是National Veterinary Research & Quarantine Service(国立兽医科学检疫院).
地址: 480 Anyang-6dong, Manan-gu, Anyang Kyonggido, 430-016, Republic of Korea
电话: 31-467-1700         传真: 31-446-8511
部门: Quarantine &  Inspection Division
承办人员: Yeongchang Ahn      email: 这个 E-mail 受所垃圾邮件程序保护,您需要启用 JavaScript 才能查看。

去韩国基本上就是30天前打狂犬病疫苗,开立动物健康证明文件, 这些文件就是饲主要办理宠物出境的手续要准备的文件. 只要文件备妥, 台湾去那里的犬猫是不用检疫的. 另外又说, 携带4只以内宠物不需事先核准, 不过半个面包为求谨慎, 仍请各位网友, 利用上面的联络信息确认是否需要入境许可文件较为妥当. 以下是详细规定.

2007.3.5 最新规定
Importation and quarantine procedure for pets (cats and dogs)  to The Republic of Korea

Documentation required and permitted number of animals for import to South Korea:
--Quarantine certificate or rabies vaccination certificate issued by a Quarantine Authority or Veterinarian. Where the animal is younger than 90 days, a health certificate issued by a Veterinarian is required.
--Number of animals allowed to be imported without prior notification: 4 animals or less. If more than 4 non-commercial animals are to be imported, then the National Veterinary Research and Quarantine Service branch office of entry need to be informed in advance so that animals can be held in a quarantined area for 1 day.
When the imported pet (cat or dog) is older than 90 days, the rabies vaccination date should be clearly specified on the health certificate issued by the Quarantine Authority or Veterinarian, and the date of entry to South Korea should be at least 30 days from date of the rabies vaccination.
--If the pet enters South Korea after 30 days from date of the rabies vaccination, and no health problems are found upon inspection, then no quarantine confinement is required. 
--If the pet enters South Korea within 30 days from date of the rabies vaccination, then the pet will need to be quarantined until the complete 30 day immunity formation period has been completed.
--If the pet enters South Korea and the owner is not able to prove vaccination against rabies or the vaccination has not been administered, the pet will be vaccinated against rabies, then confined in quarantine for a 30 day immunity formation period, at the owner's cost.

When the imported pet (cat or dog) is under 90 days old, the health certificate issued by the Quarantine Authority or Veterinarian should state that the pet is healthy and no symptom of animal infectious disease has been found.
--If the pet enters South Korea and the owner can present a valid health certificate, then there will be no requirement for quarantine confinement.

* For pets being imported from a rabies-free zone (i.e. Japan, Taiwan, Ireland, Cyprus, Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, Singapore, Portugal, Iceland, Jamaica, Guam, Hawaii, Samoa, United Kingdom), there will be no requirement for quarantine, regardless of the age of the cat or dog.

** Additional Certification is required to import cats from Australia, and cats & dogs from Malaysia. Documentation required: a valid health certificate which testifies that the stated animal has been kept in a Hendra and Nipah virus-free region, or a valid health certificate which documents that the stated animal has been kept in a Hendra and Nipah virus-free area for 60 days before export and confirms a negative Hendra and Nipah virus test result (blood test should have been conducted within 14 days prior to importation).
If you would like any further information or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us on:
Tel: +82 (0)32 740 2662 (Inchon Int'l Airport-Animal Quarantine)
Fax: +82 (0)32 740 2669 (Inchon Int'l Airport-Animal Quarantine)
Fax: +82 (0)31 467 1717 (NVRQS)
Source: National Veterinary Research & Quarantine Service (NVRQS)

另外新增加几间 Pet friendly hotels in Seoul 的信息给大家参考, 可能有人到达那里后,短暂停留用
W HOTEL SEOUL-Walkerhill(首尔华克山庄)欢迎宠物的说明
Address : 21 Gwangjang Dong Gwangjin Gu Seoul 143 708 Korea.
Contact Number : Tel. 82-2-465 2222 / Fax. 82-2-450-4989    Online Contact
可参考W Hotel Seoul-一生一定要住一次的~全亚洲最时尚Design Hotel

Oakwood Premier Coex Center 宠物部分说明
Address : Oakwood Premier Coex Center 159 Samsung-Dong Kangnam-Ku Seoul
Contact Number : Tel. 02-3466-7000 / Fax. 02-3466-7700
E-mail : 这个 E-mail 受所垃圾邮件程序保护,您需要启用 JavaScript 才能查看。

Hotel Ibis Seoul
Address : 893-1 Dachi-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 135-840
Contact Number : Tel. 02-3454-1101 / Fax. 02-3454-1946    Online Contact

Yeoksam Human Starville Seoul
Address : 606 18 Yeoksam Dong, Seoul

Frazer Place Central Seoul Hotel
#202, Uijuro 1-Ga, Jung-gu, Seoul, Korea 100 -130
Tel: +82 2 2220 8888  Fax: +82 2 2220 8880
E-Mail: 这个 E-mail 受所垃圾邮件程序保护,您需要启用 JavaScript 才能查看。


PetTour中国,国内第一家专业的宠物托运、宠物出国、宠物回国服务机构,我们竭诚为您您提供宠物回国服务、宠物出国办理、商业宠物进出口、国内宠物托运服务。 让您不再为您宠物要出行而烦恼! 
客户服务热线:(8610)5979 2414 
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